Sammy's Portfolio

A showcase of my projects, achievements, and abilities.

My name is Samy Timalsina

I am a passionate programmer who likes to learn, solve problems, and I am also passionate about the technology.
Design Patterns: SOLID, Repository, Observer, Proxy, Composite, Adapter, Dependency Injection, MVC, MVVM
Languages: C#, C/C++, Python, PLC 61131-3, Javascript
Web: HTML, CSS, jQuery
Web Services: Rest API, NodeJS, Express
Databases: MongoDB, Microsoft SQL, Cosmos DB
SDLC: Waterfall, SCRUM, Agile
I also like to solve coding problems using DSA in a platform like leetcode, it is like solving puzzle or gives me kick of playing videogames.

Project 1
Film Frame Tracking

Developed/Designed a software from scratch using C#, .Net Windows form application. Uses Omron SDK .Net library to acquire image from the Omron camera. Tells UR robot if the stamped barcode is good, bad, or duplicate!

Project 2
Coordinate measuring machine file parser

Build a image classification pipeline model to distinguish between different types of rods for sorting
Built a ASP.Net MVC web application using bootstrap, jquery on the front-end, and backend code using MVC framework with repository pattern in C#. Used azure blob storage to save reports generated by CMM, and also created rest service in mvc which is hosted in azure app service

Project 3
Time Tracking Razor pages application to track project hours, used jQuery, html, css, bootstrap on the front-end, C#,, Azure Sql database on the backend

Project 4
C# Laser Wrapper Service

Windows service in C#, serving purpose of middleware between programmable logic controller and laser marker unit. This service automated the process of operator GUI interface with OEM software, and also eliminated risk of operator selecting wrong laser controller device in the network.

Project 5
Sahara Rest API

Developed a rest api in C#, Asp.Net Core MVC framework using repository pattern. This API served purpose of collecting data from 10 number of automation line. The app service was hosted in Azure Cloud, and the automation lines were authenticated using Azure Active directory.

Project 6
Capstone Welding

My first project at Auer Precision, I had to create a solution to automate manual welding of a part and had to design a control system using Keyence Vision camera that would detect correct part A and part B side and would let operator to weld it. I wrote the PLC program using structured-text (C++), programmed the vision system camera, and also created electrical schematic and design.